Friday 30 August 2013

Positive quotes by Melanie Jay Narayanasamy

That last post got me thinking to some of the quotes I have penned in recent years. I often share them when I want to make someone feel better, promote some positivity and give myself some motivation. They tend to derive from various experiences and interactions with people I meet. Here is a selection of some of my favourites...

1) "The caterpillar became a butterfly in the cocoon...Sometimes the dark times make us more beautiful than we could have ever imagined!"

2) "Wear your heart on your sleeves, for it is more likely to rub off on people that way!"

3) "When it feels like your world is turning upside down, it might be an opportunity for the stars to fall into your lap!"

4) "Live by the clock and you have a DEADline....Live by your heart and you have a LIFEline!"

5) "Follow your heart when it sinks and you may drown...Follow your heart when it skips and you're heading upwards!"

6) "The rainbow is more colourful than the pot of gold ~ enjoy the journey as well as the destination!"

© Melanie Jay Narayanasamy 2013

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